Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Gardeners are being encouraged to experiment with a new look lawn in 2023 for the benefit of wildlife and also the wider environment.

There are suggestions to raise the blade on lawn mowers and cut their grass less regularly.
Which would encourage daisies, dandelions, clovers and other naturally flowering plants. 

Lawns left to grow longer are able to soak up more rain water, which could help towards reducing flooding. Lawns can also use their cooling properties to counteract the heat of urban areas that have lots of pavements and roads.

Lawns can also do their little bit to capture pollutants and helping to provide cleaner air.
Letting lawns grow longer also help them to stay green during dry spells, due to their roots growing longer.

This in turn helps nature enjoy your garden too.
Try experimenting with different areas being at different heights and don’t rush to seed over bare areas in the lawn
This means that a whole host of insects including ants, bees and butterflies can enjoy your garden too.

Where to start:
Mowing one a month instead of every week for grasshoppers and other insects. Which in turn attract frogs, birds and bats that feed on the insects.

Keep some areas really short or free from grass for worm eating birds and wildlife.

Leave a small area of your lawn to grow all summer for butterflies and moths.

Bare patches cater for ground nesting bees.
You could also grow patches of chamomile, creeping thyme and even grow a herb garden you can use in the kitchen.