Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Yoda & Cheezlt's Scratching Post
February 2022

Hiya Pals!
We hope everypawdy has had a good new year so far. Every year is the same for us. Nothing much ever really happens. But that’s ok. Momma doesn’t like a lot of excitement.

Last month we told you about our new piggie brothers. Well, now we have a new kitty brother and sister! We don’t know how it happened! Momma left one night, was gone forever, and came back with two kitties we’ve never seen or smelled before. She never even ran this by us first! Just because she has thumbs and walks upright…doesn’t mean she’s the boss. We thought she knew this! We are the rulers because there is more of us and less of her.
She is outnumbered without a doubt.

Our new brother is named Ortiz. He’s eleven and has no teethies. He has a silly and cute little purr too. He loves to sleep and watch the critters with us. So he seems ok. He can stay.

Our sister is named Mabel. She is five. We’ve never had a sister before! There’s never been a girl living with us before. We don’t know what to do with her. She loves to hiss and smack us. Momma says she’s a good girl. But that’s only because she’s nice to Momma. We didn’t do anything to her. She must not like boys. She hisses at her own brother…and they lived together for years.

She drives Momma kinda crazy because she’s nosy and likes to get into everything. It’s actually really funny. We don’t like that she isn’t nice to us. But, she can stay too.

Even though Momma brought a girl kitty home…she’s still outnumbered!
Nice try!

Til Next Time,
Yoda & CheezIt
(and the others)