Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Tigger's Green Paw

Animal Safety: Dogs: No Cats: No Rabbits: No
This is a plant for animals to avoid.

Crocus are perennial, which means they grow again each year. They are great at naturalising which means they will also multiply..

Soil Type:
Prefers moist but well drained rich soil in a sunny position.

Life cycle:
Plant from seed From August to November.
Flowering occurs in February to April and September to October.

There are over 90 varieties of crocus and can be various colours including cream, lavender, purple, white or yellow.

Crocus can naturally multiply.
It is recommended that the plant is dug up and split into smaller bulb clumps, getting rid of any dead or unhealthy looks bulbs, about every 3 to 4 years.

Saffron comes from one specific crocus variety, Crocus Stavius or Saffron Crocus. Each flower produces 3 little strands of saffron. It has to be harvested by hand as it is so delicate.
It would take around 150 flowers to produce one gram of saffron.

Chewing on the actual plant is definitely not safe for animals.
When I tried to research advice for animals to eat food with cooked saffron in there seems to be a huge conflict of information about it being safe or not.

So I would say check with your veterinarian surgery for advice, especially if you have any pre existing medical conditions.