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Rufford Abbey NG22 9DF
Free for Everyone
Open: Seasonal - See website
Reviews: 0

In 1146 Gilbert de Gaunt, Earl of Lincoln, founded the Cistercian abbey of St Mary the Virgin. The monks of this order, also known as the ‘white monks’ because of their habits of undyed wool, believed in the value of an austere life based upon prayer and hard work. Rufford Abbey was moderately wealthy and able to sustain a community of monks between its completion in about 1170 and its suppression in 1536.

History: In 1146 Gilbert de Gaunt, Earl of Lincoln, founded the Cistercian abbey of St Mary the Virgin. The monks of this order, also known as the ‘white monks’ because of their habits of undyed wool, believed in the value of an austere life based upon prayer and hard work. Rufford Abbey was moderately wealthy and able to sustain a community of monks between its completion in about 1170 and its suppression in 1536. 
Dog Friendly:
Dogs on leads are welcome.

Entry Charge:
Free for everyone (see website)

The abbey remains sit within Rufford Abbey Country Park, a 150 acre public park, and this has a car park. The car park is not managed by English Heritage and there is a charge for it.

English Heritage has no facilities at Rufford Abbey but it is very close to the facilities in the surrounding country park where there are toilets, a café, a restaurant, a deli, a craft and gift shop, and an outdoor living shop.

The abbey ruins are only partially accessible for wheelchair users. There is ramped entry into the undercroft at the rear of the building, but the upper level of the abbey is accessed via steps. There are uneven stone floors and low light levels in the undercroft.

Website: www.english-heritage.org.uk
Tel: 0370 3331181