Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Tigger's Green Paw
English Ivy (Common Ivy)

Animal Safety: Dogs: No Cats: No Rabbits: No

Free Grazing: No

Lifespan: English ivy plants can live up to 100 years or longer with one plant in England being documented at more than 400 years in age.

Soil Type: Prefers moist but well drained soil, but will grow in a wide range of soil types.

Sew: Autumn in a cold frame
Flower: September to October.
Berries: November to January.
Position: Sun or shade.

Life cycle:
Ivy is an evergreen plant, so leaves can be seen at any time of the year.
Ivy is an evergreen, woody climber which can grow to a height of 30m.
English ivy spreads outward through its long vines that root at the nodes and climb over any obstacle.

Ivy can take many years to mature but when it does, it shifts to forming mature branches that produce berries.

It can also be grown in pots or as a house plant.

Common Ivy and its berries are poisonous to dogs, cats and rabbits. It could also cause irritation if it comes into contact with the skin.

Consuming either the leaves or berries will leave them feeling very poorly and cause upset tummies.

So if your human grows ivy or uses it to decorate the house, tell them to check that they are out of reach of inquisitive noses and mouths. They also need to check no berries have fallen onto the floor where they could be eaten.