Tigger Club News
By Animals - For Animals


Tigger's Green Paw

As with all plants, always check if you have any health problems that may be affected by consuming or growing any plants in your garden or yard.

Animal Safety: Dogs: Yes Cats: Yes Rabbits: Yes

Free Grazing:
Spinach normally has one growing year.

Soil Type:
Spinach prefer fertile, moist soil or potting compost that doesn't dry out.
Spinach is also a useful crop for cooler, shady spots in early or late summer, out of midday heat. It needs full sun at other times of year.

March to May and August to September
Throughout the year

Life cycle:
Spinach can be harvested within 30 days of sewing. If it is carefully harvested, it can continue to grow leaves and be harvested several times throughout the year.
During hot spells, spinach can be a bit tough as it can dry out. If grown in pots, it can be moved out of the direct sun to lightly shaded areas during hot spells.

Humans can eat spinach raw, usually in salads. Or it can be cooked and eaten.

As with a lot of vegetables, when feeding to animals it is always advised to feed in moderation.

Dogs can eat either raw or cooked spinach.
Although it nees to be in moderation as too much could cause stomach upset and bloating

Cats can eat raw or cooked spinach in small amounts when added to their meals. Although they will not thank you for feeding them vegetables.

Rabbits can only eat raw spinach in small amounts when added to their daily food intake.