16 Years a Carer
- Paul Green
Reviews: 0

About the book:
What happens when you have to face up to the reality of the words uttered as you stand at the altar?
“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.”

This was the situation Paul Green  author of “16 Years a Carer” published on the 21st July.

Their 38th wedding anniversary, faced having to give up a well-paid job in the oil and gas industry to become a full time carer to his wife.

As the title of the book suggests sixteen years later he writes about the journey.
The loss of the family home, the adjustment to their relationship as husband and wife.
Battles with the Department of Work and Pension, including being investigated for £5000 of fraud and lastly, how society needs to rethink its attitude to carers.

As Paul writes on the opening chapter:

“We, I, as a carer are the people who are millions strong, but we are the people that few see.
This book will not be a one of love and light, beautiful descriptions of what an honour it is, how I am simply doing my duty. Some parts of that maybe in my story, but there will also be anger, hate, despair and dark moments when I wanted to scream at the world, scream at the people who have “normal” lives and lash out at the society which seems to be ignorant of your plight.

So if you are perusing this chapter and looking for a book that will uplift you best you put it back on the shelf and go look at the fiction section. 
Because simply put that is not life as a carer.”

Available from Amazon for £1.35 as an E Book or in paperback for £5.75 .

Reader Reviews.

“Everyone should read this book, this is a situation that all of us could find ourselves in. This is a well written and very honest book by a man to look at you would think that he is a tattooed biker. Well he actually is and shows that no matter what’s on the cover of the book nobody knows what people have to contend with day in day out. This is an amazing man that is obviously devoted to his wife. 16 years is longer than many marriages last these days but Paul has been his wife’s carer for that long. Well done on writing this book Paul on a subject that’s very personal and no doubt close to your heart, and a subject that people really need to learn about and be aware of as it could happen to them at any time. Five stars all day long this is must read book.” Stu A

“I found this book to be a very honest account of being a husband, father, carer and a man in his own right. I like the fact that he told it straight from his perspective and gave us the reader a genuine account of events.
I also feel that Paul approached the subject matter in a very sensitive way, which to me showed genuine love and empathy for Susan, his wife. None of us ever know how much time life will give us. I feel that one message that comes across is to appreciate what we have, and to have compassion for those people in Paul's situation”. Elaine Ayshe